High Dose R-Lipoic Acid 300mg 60 Veggie Caps

Product Code: 624917042894

Availability:In stock



High Dose R-Lipoic Acid


Stabilized Antioxidant & Metabolic Support

  • A premium healthy-aging antioxidant
  • Promotes healthy mitochondria function
  • World’s first 95%-pure R-lipoic acid formula
  • Provides metabolic and neurological support


Lipoic acid is a versatile antioxidant known for its ability to protect the brain and nerve cells from free radicals and heavy metals that promote cognitive and neurodegenerative diseases. Lipoic acid is known as the “captain of the antioxidants” due to its ability to recycle and recharge other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. Numerous studies have shown that lipoic acid can balance blood sugar and repair nerves damaged by diabetes. Additionally, this powerful anti-aging nutrient has been shown to mimic some of the effects of caloric restriction, the only proven method of extending health span and lifespan. It does so by protecting the mitochondria against free radical damage. Due to its action on the mitochondria it can revive damaged cells, especially those found in nerves and in the liver. It is a powerful partner for glutathione, the most powerful antioxidant produced in the body.

In 1999, AOR introduced the world’s first pure R( ) lipoic acid based on the most current research. Unlike most conventional alpha-lipoic acid supplements, AOR’s 95% pure R( ) lipoic acid delivers the most effective form of this valuable antioxidant without the negative actions of S(-) lipoic acid.

R-Lipoic acid is a powerful, natural and well-rounded antioxidant with many actions such as repairing nerves, balancing blood sugar, protecting the brain and increasing energy formation in the mitochondria. Regular doses of lipoic acid are recommended for maintaining overall general health while high doses of R( ) lipoic acid are recommended for the management of high blood sugar, diabetic neuropathy and weight.





High Dose R-Lipoic Acid helps to promote healthy glucose metabolism. AOR’s High Dose R- Lipoic Acid provides the natural ‘R’ form of this vital antioxidant produced in the body, unlike most alpha-lipoic acid supplements which also contain equal amounts of the synthetic, inactive ‘S’ form. AOR’s R-Lipoic Acid is in delayed-release capsules to enhance its stability and effectiveness.


AOR™ guarantees that all ingredients have been declared on the label. Contains no wheat, gluten, corn, nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, sulphites, mustard, soy, dairy, eggs, fish, shellfish or any animal by product.

AOR Advantage

In 1999, AOR was the first company in the world to offer pure R( ) Lipoic Acid based on the most current literature. AOR’s pure R-Lipoic acid delivers the most effective form of this valuable antioxidant without the negative actions of lipoic acid’s S (-) form. Regular doses of lipoic acid are recommended for maintaining overall general health while high doses of R( ) Lipoic Acid are recommended for the management of high blood sugar and diabetic neuropathy problems.

High dose R( ) lipoic acid provides a convenient and more economical dosage in a reduced capsule count for those that need to take a higher dosage at one time for that therapeutic treatment and management of high blood sugar levels, and/or for improving neuropathy conditions.

Adult Dosage

Take 1 capsule twice daily with/without food, or as directed by a qualified health care practitioner.


Consult a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or if you have diabetes. If you experience sweating, paleness, chills, headaches, dizziness and/or confusion, discontinue use and consult a health care practitioner as these may be symptoms of serious low blood sugar.


Pharmaceutical synthesis

Main Applications
  • Network antioxidant
  • Mitochondrial function
  • Cognitive support
  • Neurological function
  • Healthy aging

The information and product descriptions appearing on this website are for information purposes only, and are not intended to provide or replace medical advice to individuals from a qualified health care professional. Consult with your physician if you have any health concerns, and before initiating any new diet, exercise, supplement, or other lifestyle changes.


Compared with the S(-) Form, R( ) Lipoic Acid is Far Superior

Some studies have compared the effects of the two “lipoic acid” molecules seperately. R ( ) lipoic acid has emerged as the active ingredient in the racemate. R ( ) lipoic acid fights all of the major effects of insulin resistance. The S(-)-form does not help in some of these areas, and even makes things worse in others.

Antioxidant Defenses

Lipoic acid is known as a powerful and versatile antioxidant. R ( ) lipoic acid is more easily absorbed and taken into the cells than S (-) lipoic acid. Peak plasma concentration of R( )-Lipoic Acid has been found to be 40-50% higher than S(-)-lipoic acid. Both forms of lipoic acid can be made more powerful by “charging” them up into their active DHLA form. R ( ) -lipoic acid is “upgraded” much more rapidly than S(-)-lipoic acid. Many studies have found that R ( ) lipoic acid provides much more effective protection than S (-) lipoic acid or the racemate. In some cases, the S (-) lipoic acid actually counteracts the effects of R ( ) lipoic acid.

Glucose Metabolism and Weight Management – Using a Higher Dosage May Be More Effective

Lipoic acid has been used to support healthy blood sugar metabolism. Insulin resistance, in which the cells of the body stop responding properly to the hormone insulin, happens to some degree in almost all of us as we age. Insulin resistance causes higher levels of insulin, blood sugar, and free fatty acids, all of which are threats to your health. Higher bolus dosages of lipoic acid have been proven to benefit those with blood sugar control problems as well as for managing diabetic neuropathy.

A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of oral supplementation of DL-alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) on glycemic and oxidative status in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients was conducted. Thirty eight outpatients with type 2 DM were recruited and randomly assigned to either placebo or treatment in various doses of ALA (300, 600, 900, and 1200 mg/day) for 6 months. Following the treatment, all subjects were evaluated for glucose status and oxidative biomarkers. Results showed that fasting blood glucose trended to decrease in a dose-dependent manner. High dosages such as these have been safely used over extended periods of time in research studies as long as two years. Another study used a dosage of 600mg given two times per day and was shown to significantly improve the symptoms of diabetic polyneuropathy in 73% of the 236 patients enrolled in the study.

A study investigating the effects of ALA supplements on weight loss found that ALA can be used as an adjunctive treatment for obesity. Over a period of 20 weeks, the randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study enrolled 360 obese individuals whom also had hypertension, diabetes and or high cholesterol levels. Subjects were divided into either treatment groups that received 1200 or 1800 mg/day of ALA or were given a placebo. The group that took the higher level of ALA experienced a 5% decrease in total body weight while the 1200mg/day group also experienced weight loss, although it was less statistically significant.

A new study showed that when combined with a calorie-restricted diet, even 300 mg/day of alpha-lipoic acid over 10 weeks is effective in reducing body weight and supporting fat loss, especially around the belly and hips.

Neurological Health

Lipoic acid is known for its ability to protect brain and nerve cells from free radicals and toxins. Excessive levels of “transition metals” such as iron, copper, and cadmium are believed to play an important role in many neurological disorders. Having too much free iron in a key part of the brain has been implicated as a cause of Parkinson’s disease, for example. In fact, a recent study showed that older people with Alzheimer’s disease had higher accumulation of iron in the hippocampus, while older healthy people did not have this accumulation. The hippocampus is the area of the brain responsible for memory and learning and is highly affected early in Alzheimer’s disease.

R ( ) lipoic acid supplements partially reverse the age-associated loss of spatial and temporal memory seen in old animals. An animal study using R ( ) lipoic acid found that it was able to significantly reduce age-related buildup of iron in the brain. Other studies suggest that S (-) lipoic acid will not work as well.

Protection Against Macular Degeneration

Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is a concern for many people as they advance in age. A study conducted in 62 patients with early and intermediate AMD were assigned to either a treatment or a placebo group. The results of the study showed that there was a statistically significant increase in serum antioxidant Super Oxide Dismutase activity after the lipoic acid intervention. The increase in SOD activity caused by LA supplementation indicates that LA may have a possible preventive effect in the development of AMD through an antioxidant mechanism.

Mitochondrial Function

The biggest source of free radicals in your body are your cellular “power plants,” the mitochondria. They are both the origin, and the target, of most of the free radical damage in the body. As we age, our mitochondria become less and less efficient, generating less and less energy while creating more and more free radicals. R ( ) lipoic acid, in animal experiments and in test-tube studies, makes mitochondria more efficient, so that they produce more energy and create fewer free radicals. Age-associated damage to mitochondrial structure is significantly reduced. S (-) lipoic acid does not have these effects, and may antagonize the action of R ( ) lipoic acid. These benefits have a real impact on the organism. Animals undergoing a simulated heart attack recover heart function more rapidly when infused with R ( ) lipoic acid; S (-) lipoic acid has no such effect. Animals who receive R ( ) lipoic acid supplements look better and are more active.

Fundamental Aging

Nearly all researchers into the biology of aging agree that the decay of mitochondrial function is a major engine of the aging process. Caloric restriction, with adequate nutrition, is the only proven way to slow down the fundamental aging process in mammals. Many of the benefits of R( ) lipoic acid closely mimic those of caloric restriction. R ( ) lipoic acid’s effects on mitochondrial function are the most striking and unique parallel. A study in a short-lived strain of mouse demonstrated that R ( ) lipoic acid can dramatically increase its lifespan. Neither S (-) lipoic acid, nor the racemate, had any significant effect. The National Institutes on Aging are currently funding studies to see if R ( ) lipoic acid can truly slow down the aging process.

With or Without Food?

Higher amounts of lipoic acid are absorbed when the supplement is taken on an empty stomach. When taken with food, the peak plasma lipoic acid concentration was reduced by approximately 20% as compared to fasting plasma levels.