Memory/Lion's Mane Powder 100g

Product Code: 620365029692

Availability:Out of stock

  • Used as an adaptogen to reduce the negative effects of stress 
  • High antioxidant content to help protect against free radical damage caused by stress

Known as a nootropic, Lion’s Mane is about to become your best study buddy. Add this organic, water-extracted powder to your coffee, smoothies, or soups, and prepare to get productive!

Lion’s Mane mushroom, latin name Hericium, a white spongy-looking edible mushroom that tastes a bit like shrimp or lobster when cooked, studied for its benefits to:

  • Improve memory and brain function: Its chemical compounds can pass through the blood brain barrier.
  • Protect and regenerate nerve cells: Lion’s mane induces nerve growth factor (NGF), required by the brain and neurons for development and maintenance.
  • Heal gastric ulcers:It can control overgrowth of the H. pylori bacterium, associated with ulcers.
  • Modulate our gut immune system:This can positively affect inflammation and microbes in the digestive system.
  • Ingredients

    • Lion’s mane mushroom mycelium and fruiting body. Cultured on organic brown rice. 100% Organic. Grown in the USA.