The natural cough syrup has been designed to offer relief from cough to children aged 6 to adolescent. It is a pleasant-tasting formula that contains a balanced blend of various herbs known to relieve chest congestion and cough. Since it’s a non-sedative cough syrup, children will be able to attend the school or take part in games and other activities without feeling lethargy, sleepiness, or tiredness.
Malabar nut (Justicia adhatoda)It is a natural antitussive that relieves dry cough and soothes hoarseness.
Marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) Used in the treatment of sore throat, marshmallow prevents irritation of mucus membranes and treats dry and productive cough.
Large sebesten (Cordia latifolia) This herb clears the lungs and airways from excess mucus, relieving chest congestion and discomfort.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) Effective in treating both dry and productive cough, licorice not only relieves cough and chest congestion, but is also used in the management of bronchitis.
Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba) This herb is used in conjunction with other natural medicines for the treatment of cold, flu, and cough.
Gojihva (Onosma bracteatum) Gojihva is an expectorant that facilitates mucus removal from the lungs and bronchi, thereby relieving productive cough.
Long pepper (Piper longum) With a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis, long pepper relieves cough and throat soreness.
Sweet violet (Viola odorata) Just like Gojihva, sweet violet is an expectorant that treats cough and bronchitis by removing excess mucus.
Greater galangal (Alpinia galanga) It belongs to the ginger family and is particularly useful in the treatment of various respiratory ailments, including productive cough and bronchitis.