Your active body needs help. Whether you exercise, work long hours, raise a family or are always on the go, you need to mend and repair to keep up the pace. Use Complete Collagen by Progressive® for stronger bones, cartilage, connective tissue and more. Available in Unflavoured, Citrus Twist and Tropical Breeze.
10g of non-GMO collagen per scoop
Sourced from pasture-raised, grass fed cattle:This means you can be sure your collagen is free from both antibiotics and added hormones.
Added Vitamin Cso you can make the collagen you need. Your body can't use a collagen supplement without Vitamin C.
Added Tryptophanto complete the amino acid profile. Collagen does NOT contain all the essential amino acids, unless you add tryptophan.
Tryptophan is the missing link that completes collagen's amino acid profile, helping to improve its protein quality.
Enzymatically hydrolyzedfor easy mixing.
Helps in collagen formation to maintain healthy bones, cartilage, teeth and/or gums Nourishes healthy hair, skin and nails
Consult a healthcare practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, have liver or kidney disease or if you have been instructed to follow a low protein diet. May cause mild gastrointestinal disturbances.