Organic Sprouted Golden Flax Meal 400g

Product Code: 733739862778

Availability:Out of stock



  • Source of Omega-3 fatty acids and Fibre
  • Sprouted to aid digestibility and enhance nutrient values
  • Hearty, Nutritious and Wholesome
  • Finely Milled and Ready to Use
  • Organic and GMO-Free

Sprouting, also known as germination helps concentrate nutrient levels, break down hard-to-digest food components to aid digestibility, and increases probiotics and antioxidant levels in seedlings. Sprouting turns some super foods into LIVE SUPER foods, where vitamin and mineral levels can increase up to 30 times. Increases in beneficial fibre and protein content are also seen, while both are converted into easier-to-digest forms. The proliferation of antioxidants and probiotics help protect the germinating seed, and provide wonderful nutritional benefits for humans. Our sprouted and cold-milled flax seeds retain their nutritional value longer as the occurrence of rancidity is reduced.