GLA SAP 90 Soft Gels

Product Code: 856711001467

Availability:In stock



Borage oil contains the omega‑6 fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) at a higher concentration than any other oil source. The essential fatty acids contained in borage oil, when absorbed by the body, are converted to prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are important for regulating many functions in the body including inflammation, the allergic response, as well as hormone and steroid production. GLA has been well-researched and shown to reduce symptoms associated with dysmenorrhea, fibrocystic breast disease, rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis/eczema, and asthma. GLA supplementation has also demonstrated the ability to prevent weight gain in previously obese patients.


Each sofgel contains: 
Certified organic borage oil 1000 mg 
 Providing: gamma-Linolenic acid (GLA) 24% 240 mg 
Oleic acid 168 mg 
Linoleic acid 390 mg 
Palmitic acid 102 mg 
1-3 softgels daily with meals or as directed by your health-care practitioner.
Gluten, soy, wheat, corn, dairy, eggs, sugar, starch, yeast, preservatives, artificial flavour or colour.

All ingredients listed for this product lot number have been validated by a third-party laboratory for identity, potency, and purity.